Photograph of Simon Mensher with his family, in Chicago, IL, c. 1990s.

Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Date: c. 1990s
Attribution: IHMEC: courtesy of Simon Mensher
Accession Number: 2005.63.2
Donor Bio:

Simon Mensher (Schimshon Mensher) was born in the Kosov province of what is now Poland on May 11, 1912. He grew up in a wealthy family, but his parents both died young. He studied extensively before WWII. He entered the Polish Army at age 25, which became part of the Red Army. After WWII, Mensher became involved in the Bericha (Bricha), an underground organization smuggling Jewish children out of Europe to Palestine, for the promise of a home in Palestine and money. He managed to help smuggle over 400 children before being caught. He was arrested by the Soviets and sent to the Gulag for 10 years. After prison in the Gulag, Mensher met and married his wife Esther in 1957. They had one child, Anna, and moved to Chicago in 1982. 

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